Throughout history, care and caring have been central to human life and relations. They have also been the underlying ethos of education. Increasingly, care and caring have been extended to tackle the urgent questions of environmental sustainability, smart city living, social harmony, and individual and community wellbeing. In times of socioeconomic and geopolitical uncertainties, not to mention the turmoil brought about by a global pandemic, care and caring have turned into a focal priority for educators, communities, organizations, and governments. In sync with the UN’s 2030 Sustainability Development Goals, the priority of care and caring will continue for some time to come. In short, we are in what philosopher and ethicist Maurice Hamington (2018) calls the “care ethics moment.”
This site showcases our current project: ‘Comparative Cultures of Care: An Interdisciplinary Project’ under the Faculty of Humanities (FHM), The Education University of Hong Kong (EduHK). The key partners include FHM scholars, researchers from other HK universities, and international scholars. It is a platform dedicated to collect and share information to promote the interdisciplinary area of care research. People who are interested in related fields can browse and sign up for different kinds of events and activities on this website at their convenience. They can also gain a better understanding of different theoretical concepts and discussions through browsing our past events and research outcomes. By assembling different resources for a sustainable culture of interdependence, this website hopes to serve as an intellectual platform to archive key ideas on care through different alliances.